A Data Platform for Industry 4.0

ShaleTech provides industrial IoT solutions to improve the efficiency of manufacturing operation, and to reduce operational costs and investment expenditure, and increase production capacity, leading to revenue increase.

We provide a data processing platform which we connect to your machines, enabling meaningful live analysis, as well as recording the data for future applications.

Our customizable dashboards provide real-time visibility into your entire shop floor, providing new insights into current manufacturing productivity. View metrics of production performance including downtime and OEE, helping you identify bottlenecks and improve output efficiency.

Monitor key production metrics

By monitoring machine health and performance, your maintenance team can be alerted to impending failures before they occur. Being equipped with these insights can empower you to shift from reactive maintenance—being forced to fix a machine because it's broken down—to predictive maintenance, allowing you to perform necessary maintenance on your schedule, saving you time, money, and disruption.

  • Allows for optimization of machine operation
  • Predictive maintenance
metric dashboard at angle
warning dashboard screenshot

Detect failures before they occur

Our production monitoring system calculates OEE, downtime, and other KPIs, providing visibility into what’s actually happening on the production floor. You can’t fix what you don’t know is a problem, which is why measuring key production metrics is essential in order to evaluate your true productivity and to provide management with the actionable insights they need to reduce waste and improve efficiency.

  • OEE
  • Downtime

Enhance process flow

Our platform provides you with operational intelligence and solutions that allow you to optimize production processes, maximizing throughput and improving your overall productivity.

  • Optimize production process flow
  • Helps alleviate operator shortage
  • Adaptive control and monitoring
  • Quality tracking: via machine tablet operator input
cnc tool bit milling workpiece

Contact Us

E-mail: info@shaletech.io